Lego Animation, ages 9-17, MAR-APR, Thursdays, 6-8pm

Harry Potter legos.JPG
Harry Potter legos.JPG

Lego Animation, ages 9-17, MAR-APR, Thursdays, 6-8pm


Instructor: Keville Bowen

Ages: 9 and up

Lego Animation is a six week course where students learn to script and animate a short movie using Legos. We provide expert instruction while students work using their own tablets or smart phones, and a free animation app, creating an entertaining stop motion movie. We provide materials to build backdrops and environments and script writing outlines and storyboards. We even provide a Lego animation clear stick to create leaps and jumps! Then using their own Lego sets, students learn to create smooth animations and edit their movies. They also learn how to add sound to enhance their animations! Students share their work and interact during classes, and creativity is encouraged in a fun and supportive environment.

Requirement: Students must have their own tablet or smart phone with the animation app, and their own sets of Lego

Thursdays, March 6- April 10, 6-8pm (6 classes)

$160.00 for the course per student

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